Over the past few years, podcasts have quickly become a staple of many businesses’ marketing and engagement strategy. The reasons for this are multifaceted. Podcasting represents an alternative means for companies to deliver their messaging in a subtler, less explicitly sales-oriented fashion. The opportunity to engage your target audience in this way also helps to instil a deeper sense of trustworthiness in your brand. The findings of YouGov’s recent Global Media Outlook Report indicate that UK podcast listenership is expected to rise in 2023 (1). Yet, the podcasting market is by no means oversaturated, and starting a podcast offers a fantastic opportunity to expand your business’ reach. Here are 6 reasons why podcasting is right for your business:

1. Humanising Your Brand

Starting a podcast gives listeners a real, tangible voice to connect with. Traditional forms of marketing (such as articles and e-shots) are typically filled with industry jargon that can often be off-putting to a layperson and discourage their interaction with your brand. By contrast, the conversational nature of podcasting invites engagement, by highlighting the people behind your business’ operations. Not only will this assist in deepening your prospective clients’ trust in your business; it may also further incline them to use your services.

2. Marketing Potential

As explored in our last blog (2), podcasts can be multipurposed into a wide array of marketing methods, including social media posts, blogs, and educative articles. A podcast offers an alternative springboard by which prospective clients or business partners can engage with your business and the role you play in the insurance industry.

3. Be a Part of the Conversation

We estimate there are at least 100 podcasts run by insurance businesses, and the number keeps on growing! However, this should by no means discourage you from getting involved. The greater the network of insurance podcasts, the more opportunities for collaboration between them arise. Inviting fellow business leaders onto your podcast is a great way to bring a new audience to your business and increase familiarity with your brand, and it also helps to further emphasise your commitment to finding the best insurance solutions for your clients, by exploring the latest trends and troubles facing the industry.

4. Grow Your Brand

While your podcast need not be a direct sales pitch of your services, it nonetheless helps to raise awareness of your business, and creates another avenue by which people can learn about it. Regular podcasts discussing the problems facing your sector, or the broader insurance world, offer a highly engaging, subtle, and effective form of marketing that may contribute to an increase in sales.

5. It’s Easy (And We Can Help You!)

Starting a podcast may seem like a daunting task, but it’s easy. It doesn’t require expensive equipment; all you need is a passion for discussing the industry! With our bespoke podcasting service (3), we can help you hit the ground running, establishing a podcast channel and providing training, set-up, hosting, and editing!


(1) PressGazette – Podcasts among biggest UK media growth opportunities for 2023
(2) Macaii – 7 ways to multipurpose your podcast to maximise your marketing reach
(3) Entrepreneur – The Basics of Podcasting and How it Can You’re your Business